My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki
Episode gallery
Previous P.P.O.V. (Pony Point of View)
Episode Where the Apple Lies
Next Top Bolt
Episode transcript

Prologue: Apple Bloom's white lie[]

Applejack the liar?[]

Young Applejack and Big Mac / Filthy and Spoiled[]

Granny Smith refuses to make a deal[]

Applejack breaks the deal / The first lie[]

Around the dinner table / Filthy Rich visits[]

Granny Smith has apple blight[]

The situation worsens[]

Ponyville General[]

The lie spins out of control[]

Applejack distracts Filthy and Spoiled[]

Dr. Granny Smith / Applejacks tells the truth[]

Epilogue: Who runs Sweet Apple Acres?[]
