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Forums: Index > Wiki discussion > Currency

Visiting currency redirects to the Bits article. Right now the 'depiction' organization focuses on the chronological presentation of events.

I am wondering if also on the page (or at least, as supplemental info here on the forums) we could also organize info from this page (and any which might be absent) into a price chart, specifying just how much various things have been sold for.

From what's on the page I'll have a go at that...

1 bit:

2 bits:

3 bits:

4 bits (silver)

5 bits

  • advice from Diamond Tiara or Silver Spoon in Zen issue 9
  • charicature by Andy Price Pony in Zen issue 9
  • postage stamps (in Larry's Comics and Jetpack Comics exclusive covers RE of Issue #5)

10 bits

  • bell repair paid by Big Macintosh in Zen issue 9

80 bits

  • milk-honey bath after Rarity got involved

500 bits:

  • "De Magicks of Photography" photo stand by Photo Finish in Zen 10

In addition to that, I am also wondering if we could consolidate information on non-bit aspects of currency. Like for example: besides the use of bits, haven't people also given gems to buy things as well? I'm sure I remember seeing that in at least one episode...

If we can possibly figure out something which has been bought/sold for an amount of bits and an amount of gems we might even be able to figure out some kind of exchange rate?

It might be that different gems are worth different amounts and in that case I'm wondering if we could rank gems in terms of their value if any evidence of comparative value could be discerned from show subtleties.

It looks like this is being done in a ways at Bits#Cost chart but that still seems chronological. It would be nice if we had the option to view it about the amount of bits in addition to the chronological presentation of those prices.

I know in some table codings you can actually click the column header (for example see Wikipedia:List of World Heavyweight Champions (WWE)#Title history and it will organize the table based on that column. This way we could have 2 ordering columns, 1 being the price amount, and the other being episode number. talk2ty 06:12, January 4, 2015 (UTC)

Sorting would be made complicated by the sections and multiple-row-spanning cells. I'm not sure a balance could be struck between presentation and editability. We could perhaps make a second table sorted by price, though that would make it a bit harder to update and risk desynchronization. ~Bobogoobo (talk) 40?cb=20120702121758 22:33, January 4, 2015 (UTC)