My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki

I´m talking about fake episodes that I posted. You can find them further down. Some people liked them and some people wanted to spread fake rumors. Which in turn would go all the way back to me and I would basically be looked at as a troll and that´s not why posted those comments I wanted to share what I had made in my freetime when I´m not working, and yes I´m 24 and have never had to use facebook or anything like that. This is basically the first place I started talking to people across the world, in other words a huge step for me. Think of me as Fluttershy, we have quite the similar behavior, I´m shy and usually don´t want to take contact with new people I don´t know. And I have this aggressive side which always gets to me when I feel that people are mean to me. So yeah I´m Fluttershy but with oppsite gender. Hope I explained everything.
