My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki

What's a "bronie," you ask? Good question...bronies are the devoted worshippers of "My Little Ponies." To be exact, they are "bro ponies." Yes, they are older men, 20's to 40's, who are dedicated to everything My Little Ponies. Are you surprised? After all, the show is geared towards a much younger audience. But these men beg to differ.

Wired has the inside scoop on this passionate faction of bronies who make fan videos of My Little Ponies on Youtube, collect MLP Happy Meals, and dedicate MLP fanart of deviantART.

Are bronies embarrassed about their forbidden hobby? Heck no! In this enlightened day and age, they're breaking all gender norms and barriers to fawn over the sweet ponies. Do we have any closet bronies at My Little Ponies Wiki? Don't be afraid to spread your love!

